Educational Board Games

Did you know that we stock a range of educational board games to make learning about important topics engaging and fun?

These can be borrowed for use with your team, and library staff can come and help facilitate a game for your team. Most of them just require a table and chairs to play. You can reserve it on the library catalogue with your library card number.

The complete list is below, with links to the game’s website for more information.

Care Certificate Game

Competency assessment tool for Care Certificate training. Game will work in 1-to-1 sessions or can be used by 2 to 12 players in two teams. It is designed to be flexible and practical and assessors can choose the number of players, length of time the game will be played for and which questions should be answered. The central area of the board is a simple competency assessment chart that allows everyone to see where their strengths and weaknesses are offering a guide to where attention needs to be focused

Communication Game

Understand communication support needs and improve communication skills. 4 to 12 players in two teams. Facilitator requires no expertise in topic.

Doctor Jargon: Paediatrics

This fast-paced card game challenges health professionals to swap medical jargon for everyday language against the clock. Players are challenged to describe medical conditions, treatments and procedures using clear, child friendly language.

Drug Round Game

Understand, recognise and minimise medication errors. 4 to 12 players in two teams, 45 to 60 minutes playing time. Facilitator requires no expertise in topic..

Hydration Game

Recognise and minimise dehydration for patients, residents and staff. 4 to 12 players in two teams, 45 to 60 minutes playing time. Facilitator requires no expertise in topic.

Infection Control Game

Recognise and manage an infection outbreak in a hospital ward. DVD playback facilities required. 5 to 15 players, around 60 minutes playing time. A facilitator with some knowledge of infection control is useful.

Leadership Game

The Leadership Game is a unique group-learning resource that helps individuals and teams explore the complexities of collective leadership in a relaxed and creative environment. 2 to 12 players, 45 to 60 minutes playing time. No facilitator required.

LGBT+ Game

Improve awareness of LGBT+ issues; and help create a more inclusive working environment. 2 to 12 players, 30 to 60 minutes playing time. No facilitator required.

MaP Game (Focus on Mental and Physical Health) – Healthcare edition

Helps open up the conversation of mental health at work to help organisations support employee’s mental health. 2 to 12 players,  45 to 60 minutes playing time. No facilitator required.

Nutrition Game

Understand malnutrition and improve how you support people to eat and drink. 4 to 12 players in two teams, 30 to 60 minutes playing time. Facilitator requires no expertise in topic.

Priorities Game

The Priorities Game simulates a ward, with patients that require admission, discharge and general care. 4 to 8 players, 60 minutes playing time, No facilitator required.

Safeguarding game

The Safeguarding Game helps players to identify the signs of harm or abuse, and gives them the confidence to escalate their concerns. It offers practical advice that helps players understand what to do if they are concerned that an adult or child is being abused or is at risk. 4 to 12 players, 40 to 60 minutes playing time.  Expert facilitation not required, but a facilitator with knowledge of safeguarding may be beneficial to provide context and answer queries.

Sepsis Game

Raise awareness of sepsis and improve recognition and management of sepsis. 4 to 12 players in two teams, 45 to 60 minutes playing time. Facilitator requires no expertise in topic.

Stop the Pressure: Helping to Prevent Pressure Ulcers

Recognise and reduce avoidable pressure ulcers. 4 to 12 players in two teams, 45 to 60 minutes playing time. Facilitator requires no expertise in topic.

Stroke Touchpoint Cards

Supports stroke patients to communicate effectively with health professionals. 4 to 12 players in two teams, 45 to 60 minutes playing time. Facilitator requires no expertise in topic.

Teams that Care Game

Makes learning about teams simple, non-threatening and engaging. The game encourages structured discussions enabling teams to explore what makes high performing teams tick, and the practical steps they can take to work together more effectively. 4 to 12 players in two teams, 45 to 60 minutes playing time. Facilitator requires no expertise in topic.

Tower of Power: Teamwork and Collaboration Game

Standing in a circle, each participant holds one of the ropes connected to the metal crane in the center. Eight wooden blocks start upright on the floor and the group must use the crane to lift the blocks up and place them one on top of another to form a tower. The objective is to build the highest and most stable tower possible.

The task appears simple but each block is cut at a different angle and stability is harder to maintain as the tower grows taller. The group must plan effectively and coordinate their actions with excellent communication every step of the way. Failure to do so, and the feedback is immediate!

The Floor: Emergency Department Simulation Game

Unique game-based simulation invented by an EM consultant to help multidisciplinary staff learn the complexities of managing an ED safely. It
simulates the day-to-day workings of an ED to help clinicians and managers understand how an ED works and develop the skills to manage a busy ED ‘shop floor’.

Working Stress

Help clinicians manage stress and avoid burnout. 4 to 12 players in two teams, around 30 to 60 minutes playing time.  No facilitator required.

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