
Below are links to referencing resources from our partner universities:

University of Leicester referencing resources

UoL Learning Development Referencing and Bibliographies



University of Northampton Library referencing resources


Harvard Referencing Guide (2016) 6th ed

We are happy to help with advice and checking references. If you are trying to track down an elusive quote we are also happy to try to assist!  Book a slot Get help – KGH Knowledge & Library Service (

Reference Management Software

Why use reference management software?

  • Saves you time: It is an efficient way of keeping track of your references, and avoids having to type out each reference manually.
  • Ensures consistent referencing: There is less room for error, compared with referencing manually. Referencing styles in these software packages can output references consistently and accurately.
  • Helps you to keep track of what you have read.
  • Allows you to keep your research organised: You can store your references in one place in a systematic way.
  • Enhances your digital literacy skills. 

Packages available online


(Available to students registered at University of Northampton or Leicester, or to expert user NHS Staff (on application))

Refworks is is a web-based reference management service that allows you to import references from online databases and other various sources. You can use these references in writing papers and automatically format the paper and the bibliography in seconds.

See Refworks guides on how to use Refworks


EndNote, Mendeley and Zotero are all freely available online.


Mendeley is marketed primarily as an online tool. 
Mendeley is a useful tool to collectstore and format references. Mendeley also works with Microsoft Word and Open Office to insert in-text citations and compose bibliographies.

See the Mendeley guide for instructions on using Mendeley Web.


EndNote Online has less functionality than the Desktop version, but you are still able to carry out the main reference management jobs, such as collecting, storing and formatting references and using the online version of Cite While You Write.
See the EndNote guide for instructions on how to use EndNote Online.


Zotero can be used for the complete research cycle – from collating, saving, using bibliographic referencing for academic work, as well as for managing and organising information sources. Zotero allows you to attach PDFs, and extract notes and highlights from these PDF files. You can add your own notes and create tags and link references in your Zotero library, as Zotero has a powerful search facility. It also allows you to keep updated with information using a built-in RSS feed reader. 
See the Zotero guide for instructions on how to use Zotero.


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