Workforce Times – 17 April 2024

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Workforce Times – 17 April 2024

Update from NHS England Workforce, Training & Education Knowledge Management Team. Contact us at [email protected]

Key documents and reports plus your weekly workforce and education transformation update, covering new publications, research, policy, strategy and healthcare system news, with a focus on areas of the Star.

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In this edition . .
  • Key Documents and Reports
  • Workforce Productivity
  • News, Opinions and Features
  • Journals
  • Webinars and events
Key documents and Reports

University of Bath

Should I stay or should I go?

Publication date: 11 April

Monitoring influences on NHS staff retention in the post COVID-19 world.

Centre for Mental Health

Building a Mental Health Workforce for the Future

Publication date: 10 April 2024

Expanding the workforce to meet the growing mental health needs of the population is one of the major challenges the NHS faces today. But we don’t just need a bigger mental health workforce.

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP)

CSP urges members to respond to consultation on HCPC fee increase

Publication date: 16 April 2024

The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) has launched a consultation on a proposed fee rise of £6.98 to their annual registration fee, as well as a rise in other related charges.

Nursing-only pay arrangements are not the solution to the NHS workforce crisis

Publication date: 9 April 2024

The CSP has robustly opposed proposals for a nursing-only pay spine.

NHS Confederation

NHS Confederation comments on the Centre for Mental Health briefing on building a mental health workforce for the future

Publication date: 10 April 2024

As this joint briefing with the Centre for Mental Health shows, the biggest challenge to meeting this growing demand is workforce shortages. A good start to address this is ensuring that we see health and care workforce as equals, whether they work in the acute, community, local authorities or the independent sector.

Excellence through equality: anti-racism as a quality improvement tool

Publication date: Publication date: 10 April 2024

Examples of anti-racist initiatives from BME Leadership Network members, to help advance equality within the workforce and for service users.

NHS Employers

FAQs for physician and anaesthesia associate roles in the NHS

Publication date: 12 April 2024

As the General Medical Council (GMC) gets ready to commence regulation of physician associates (PAs) and anaesthesia associates (AAs) at the end of 2024, employers can use these FAQs to help support with questions around the roles and their role in the workforce.

Separate pay spine for nursing evidence submission

Publication date: 11 April 2024

Summary of our response to the Department of Health and Social Care’s call for evidence on a separate pay spine for nursing.

What NHS organisations are doing to support flexible working

Publication date: 11 April 2024

Find out how NHS organisations are maximising the flexible working options for their workforce.

Skilled worker: Health and Care Visa

Publication date: 11 April 2024

Read about the Health and Care Visa for employing overseas nationals (excluding Irish citizens) under the points-based immigration system.

Managing a centralised workplace adjustments budget

Publication date: 10 April 2024

This guidance explores the essential considerations for effectively managing a centralised workplace adjustments budget.

NHS England

NHS staff deliver performance improvements despite record demand

Publication date: 11 April 2024

Thanks to the hard work of NHS staff, almost four fifths (78.1%) of people received a definitive cancer diagnosis or all clear within four weeks – with almost 200,000 (199,659) patients getting the answer they need within 28 days.

General Medical Council (GMC)

Identifying groups of migrating doctors

Publication date: 12 April 2024

This research builds on previous studies and uses quantitative analysis to help us identify different groups of doctors. These are based on their attitudes and experiences towards work as a doctor in the UK. It also explores reasons for leaving the UK and migration intentions.

Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC)

Helping deliver NHS England’s Long-term Workforce Plan

Publication date: 10 April 2024

As part of NHSE’s three overarching goals of ‘train, retain, reform’, it estimates that to meet service needs, the allied health professional workforce will need to increase, with education and training places increasing by 19-25% by 2030-31.

Institute for Fiscal Studies

Progression of nurses within the NHS

Publication date: 12 April 2024

This report examines the career progression of NHS nurses, how this compares with that of other NHS staff groups and how this has changed over time.

Royal College of Nursing (RCN)

Royal College of Nursing responds to University of Bath report on NHS staff retention

Publication date: 11 April 2024

This report tells the story of an NHS workforce at the end of its tether. Devastating nursing shortages are leaving staff burnt out and demoralised, unable to provide the level of care they want to.

Royal College of Physicians (RCP)

RCP welcomes decision to continue NHS Practitioner Health service for secondary care staff

Publication date: 15 April 2024

The service provides crucial mental health and addiction support for healthcare professionals. The announcement of its closure for new secondary care staff referrals came at a time when staff continue to face significant challenges and report high levels of stress and burnout.

Workforce Productivity

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News and features

*For help with full-text access, please contact the KM Team


Diversifying podiatry placements: The future of podiatry education
Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, April 2024

In the changing world of podiatry education, diverse placements can provide innovative solutions to several pressing challenges. One of the key benefits is to reduce the pressure of traditional clinical placement demands on the overextended healthcare providers, while allowing for new avenues of specialized learning that can be incorporated into learners’ future career progression plans.

Recruitment and retention trends in UK dentistry: 2015 – 2023

BDJ In Practice, April 2024

Access to an NHS dentist, wait times, DIY dentistry are all topics frequenting in the UK news headlines, all as a direct result of workforce and recruitment and retention issues within UK dentistry. Whilst government attempts to tackle issues with the NHS Long Term Workforce plan and NHS dental recovery plan published in June 2023 and February 2024, respectively, have been likened to ‘filling a leaky bucket’ and ‘unworthy of its title’ given government’s failure to embrace the need for fundamental reform.

The impact of dental hygienists and dental therapists on the wider team

BDJ In Practice, April 2024

Dental hygienists (DH) and dental therapists (DTh) are quite the hot topic at the moment. It was announced in July 2022 that we could see patients on a direct access (DA) basis in the NHS, as we had been doing in the private sector since 2013. This administrative change was a part of the Dental Recovery Plan, which was promised from the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan in June 2023. Both documents have talked about an increasing role for the use of DH and DTh in years to come.

*For help with full-text access, please contact the KM Team

Webinars and events

NHS Confederation

[In-person] Mental Health Network Annual Conference and Exhibition 2024

Date and location: 24 April 2024 9:30am to 4:30pm, Leeds, LS1 2HA

Join us in Leeds as we unite leaders and discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the mental health sector.

[Webinar] NHS Estate Funding: Addressing Immediate NHS Performance Priorities to Support Patient Safety and Care

Date and time: 30 April 2024 11:00am to 12:00pm GMT

Capital is a scarce resource in the NHS – yet it’s in high demand. But with limits on funding, how will the NHS meet current demands?

The King’s Fund

[In-person] Integrated care summit 2024

Date and location: 14 May 2024, The King’s Fund, London, W1G 0AN

In this summit, we give voice to innovative thinking and practices by hearing from senior leaders and partners from both within and outside of the health and care service, who have found ways to create meaningful impact by doing things differently.

National Health Executive

NHS Workforce 2024

Date and time: 25 April 2024, 9:30am to 2:30pm

NHS Workforce brings together healthcare professionals, policymakers, educators, and experts in healthcare workforce management. This event serves as a platform for robust discussions and collaborations aimed at addressing the complex challenges facing the NHS workforce.

NHS Employers

[Webinar] How immigration changes are impacting international recruitment in the NHS

Date and time: 30 April 2024 2:00pm to 3:30pm

Sign up to the first in a series of masterclasses on international recruitment focusing on the impact of the new immigration policy changes.

[Webinar] Too hot to handle

Date and time: 10 May 2024 12:30pm to 2:00pm

Too Hot to Handle report was published in February 2024, and aims to understand the NHS response to racism, what trusts and healthcare organisations do about it, and how effective they are at addressing it.

[In-person] Fostering excellence in tackling inequality

Date and location: 14 May 2024 9:30am to 3:30pm GMT, London

Join our conference on Tuesday 14 May 2024 to discuss tackling inequalities both within the workforce and service delivery.

NHS England (for NHS England staff only)

[Webinar] Supporting parenting and pregnancy at work in the NHS with Tommy’s

Date and time: Thursday, April 18, 2024 11:00am to 12:00pm

Hosted by Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust and Tommy’s, participants will hear from early adopters including Humberside Teaching NHS Foundation Trust and University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust. Tommy’s will give an overview of their pregnancy and parenting at work programme.

[Webinar] Introduction to the Model Health System

Date and time: Wednesday, April 24, 2024 11:30am to 12:30pm

Learn about basic navigation, charts and data available, how to download your data, bookmark pages… and more.

[Webinar] Working with and supporting PPV Partners – Your Q&As

Date and time: Monday, April 29, 2024 3:00pm to 4:00pm

At this webinar we will take you through the refreshed ‘Recruitment Guidance and templates for NHS England Patient and Public Voice Partner hiring managers’.

Open Forum Events

[In person event] Mental health: supporting NHS Workforce Resilience

Date and time: 9 May 2024 8:30am to 4:30pm

Open Forum Events invite you to the third Mental Health: Supporting NHS Workforce Resilience conference which will appraise the psychological wellbeing of NHS staff and provide a platform to discuss potential solutions to improve the current situation.

*For help with full-text access, please contact the KM Team

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