Join the Library

To make use of our services and facilities, you’ll need to become a library member. 
Our membership form is available to complete online (,  however it is not necessary as forms are available to complete when you arrive at the Library Enquiry Desk, where we can explain to you in person about the library facilities AND add 24/7 library access.  Just pop in with your NHS ID card and holder and we will attach your library barcode to the back, so there’s no need to carry two cards around.

If you’d like a tour of the library or an explanation of our services, please ask, and we’ll be happy to provide one.

Welcome To KGH Library

  • All staff employed by Kettering General Hospital Foundation Trust
  • All East Midlands NHS or Social Care staff
  • Students studying with or on clinical placement at Kettering General Hospital Foundation Trust
  • local public, government and voluntary sectors with a non-profit making health/social care interest (Limited Membership – ask a member of library staff for details)
  • Members of the general public (free of charge and reference only)
  • Some other groups may be allowed to become members – please ask a member of library staff if you’re unsure

What if you are not eligible to join?

If you’re not eligible to join, you can still visit the library, and you can:

  • Consult the stock
  • Make photocopies (within copyright rules)
  • Study as space permits

You won’t be able to access any of our computers and you won’t be able to use the library when it is unstaffed.







When completing and signing the membership application form you are agreeing to adhere to our ‘HeLM Terms and Conditions

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