
Our library has e-books covering a large selection of multidisciplinary medical subjects from industry-leading publishers, all with a user-friendly search experience and simple chapter download process.

Check out the newly added EBSCO eBooks™ Nursing Collection!

Access the Highest-Quality Nursing E-books with a Wide-Range of Concepts in One Convenient Collection

Access to E-Books Across Many Topics Including:

• Evidence-Based Nursing
• Home Care Nursing
• Leadership
• Nursing Management
• Nursing Research and Theory
• Pharmacology

Check out the newly added EBSCO eBooks™ Nursing Collection!

From clinical guides, and evidence-based practice manuals, to practical handbooks and professional growth titles, this collection includes hundreds of e-books to help nursing staff and students find the information they need to provide outstanding patient care. With e-books you never have to worry about ripped pages
or carrying heavy books and you can easily access them on your phone, tablet or laptop.

Check out the newly added EBSCO eBooks™ Psychology Collection!

Access to E-BooksAcross Many Topics Including:

• Clinical Psychology
• Cognitive Psychology & Cognition
• Counseling
• Developmental Psychology
• Evolutionary Psychology
• Neuropsychology
• Psychoanalysis
• Psychopathology
• Psychotherapy
• Social Psychology

Check out the newly added EBSCO eBooks™ Psychology Collection!

This collection includes hundreds of popular e-books and handbooks, as well as advance-level textbooks and professional books for academic students and professionals in psychology. With e-books you never have to worry about ripped pages or carrying heavy books and you can easily access them on your phone, tablet or laptop.

NHS staff and students on placement in England have access to over 150 Oxford University Press medical and healthcare books online, courtesy of NHS England.


We have a number of titles on the ProQuest Ebook Central platform available to holders of NHS OpenAthens accounts.

You can also search for e-books via Resource Finder.

Books can be viewed online, or downloaded to mobile devices for up to 14 days at at time. Visit our guide to downloading e-books for more information.

There is no charge for using e-books, and no fines.

Special collections

We also have FREE access to a number of eBooks to co-launch Kortext and Health Education England’s collaborative eBook agreement for the NHS and in response to COVID-19. You will need an NHS OpenAthens account to access the collection.

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